First, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir & Batin everyone! The day that we love so much every year after our own birthday, I guess. Hehe. I love raya, not only we get to wear pretty kurungs and show it off (well sorta) but I get to meet up with my dear bestfriend, eat lemangs ketupats, cake and drink lots of air gas (carbonated drinks). Well, we used to get angpaus too but as we grew older well in my case I'm married with two kids goodbye angpau.
I still don't get tooooo excited for raya as I'm turning older and older, but I still want to raya but if you're having pantang raya you'll never feel the raya vibes. Ever. I've told my husband, I don't want give birth on raya or puasa ever. Period. Bammmmm! Things that you never wanted to happen just happen. How magical is that? You just can't plan everything, you have to suck it up and move on. I still can eat those ayam masak merah, daging masak kicap and all except for lemangs, puluts, ketupats and kuah kacang. Thank God it's been a month since I gave birth to Orked, so I get to skip the pantang rules. Psst, don't tell my mom.
I only get to visit both of my grandma's house, my in laws and tw of dear friend's open house. I'm sorry I didn't get to beraya-ing/ngabang/visiting your house (if you're reading this and happens to be my friend. Hehe) I will do it next year, Insyallah. I will buy more pretty baju raya, eat a lot and visiting my friends. Hopefully, no more pantang raya for me.

The only decent photo of us.
I'm wearing Lubna in lilac minus the skirt and Juliet by Naelofar in nude sorbet.
I should start saving from now for next year's raya outfit. Hehe. Thank you for those who came and gave angpau to both of my children. I will make sure you will be his and her favourite uncle and auntie! :D
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri
Maaf Zahir & Batin
Love, Me, my husband, Adam Irfan & Orked Mariam.
Minal aidin wal faidzin mohon maaf lahir dan bathin