
How was your raya, everyone? :D Goooooooooooooooood or awesooooooooooooooooooome?! Mine was okay. Yes. It is not that good but not thattttttttttt bad. Time flies really fast this during raya. It's already 8th day of raya, the mood was totally off. But I really want to go visit my friends house which I didnt go this year or never. Whatever I miss all of themmmmm! Less talk let's picture do the talk. hahaha!
Husband ❤
My little Adam ❤ ❤ ❤
My sisters.
My sister in law :)
My girls ❤
My mother and father in law :)
My niece and sister in law :)
My oma and bapak ❤
My in law :)
My girls ❤
My girls
My family and I haven't take my family picture this year :( So sad. I'm so glad I have meet all of them but not all of my friends. Till next raya. Insyallah.
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