Did I really lose my mind?
#1 "Mom, please don't forget to bring your own bag to Emart. It's Saturday, there will no plasticbag"
Then my brother hit me and says "Kau gila nak? Hari tok hari Khamis bukan Sabtu!" hahahahaha. Then, he told my bapak and bapak laughed and told the whole family. #maluokay
#2 "Alia, please go back home now it's late" - my sister.
Then I was like "Tandahlah nya dolok. Isok sik sekolah isok kan sik sekolah." Seeeeeeee. I always thought it is weekends already!
Selamat Menyambut Maulidur Rasul :-)
#1 "Mom, please don't forget to bring your own bag to Emart. It's Saturday, there will no plasticbag"
Then my brother hit me and says "Kau gila nak? Hari tok hari Khamis bukan Sabtu!" hahahahaha. Then, he told my bapak and bapak laughed and told the whole family. #maluokay
#2 "Alia, please go back home now it's late" - my sister.
Then I was like "Tandahlah nya dolok. Isok sik sekolah isok kan sik sekolah." Seeeeeeee. I always thought it is weekends already!
Selamat Menyambut Maulidur Rasul :-)
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