It's very special day today! I will never forget the 19 March (though my favourite number is 21) till the rest of my life.
*drum rolls*

Happy birthday,sweethearttttttt!
He is turning to 2 years old today.
Times really do flies so fast this year.
It's been 2 years being a mother, I have never been happier to have my own child with the man that I love.
I really hate it when it comes to my angan angan, Adam will be 20 years next thing I know.....
I wish I could be with him always.
He grows up so fast.
He is much taller than before yet so thinner than before.
So, the birthday boy is sleeping bcos he has a fever :-(
Guess his cake this year?
We got him the very last minute angry birds cake!
It's beautiful, amazing, big, tall and yummy.
Last year I wasn't so into to buy angry bird bcos most of them looks terrible.
But this one, so cantik!
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