It's been a week since I gave birth to my daughter, Orked Mariam. I have always wanted a baby girl. I'm so obsessed with baby girls. Alhamdulillah, I have my own mini me.
It started with a tiny period cramps on that Wednesday night. Well, I did feel the period cramps two days earlier. Yes, still remember that feeling though I haven't been on period for 9 months. I knew how it feels. I keep on checking for the sign whether I should go to the hospital since Monday. It's Ramadhan Mubarak for us Muslim. So, my goal is to eat as much as I want and satisfy my whole craving. I did. I went to eight bazaar for three days straight with hubby. I got to eat one of my favourite's kuih, kuih bongkol! :)
So,back with those period cramps moment. Hubby and I watched Batman on hbo that night. Then I wanted to go to sleep and went straight to the toilet. The red auntie was there! I was totally blank. I didn't know what to do, so I called my sister. She told me to go to the hospital immediately. Thank God, I was all ready with my bags. I went to the hospital that night with my second sister and hubby.
I didn't feel any contraction until the doctor did the cervical exam to check whether the cervix has begun to open or soften in preparation for birth. It was open for three centimeters. I had to spend the night in hospital though. So, I've changed my dress and try to get some sleep. It was 4.30 am ish in the morning that I would have woke up preparing sahur for my family but I'm stuck here in the bed at the hospital. I started to feel the contractions every half an hour, to 15 minutes to 10 minutes to 5 minutes and 2 minutes. I had forgotten the contraction pain. It's been five years. It was really,really, reallyyyyyyy painful. My friends always ask me "How does it feel? It is so bad?" I have no words to describe the right feeling when the contraction hits me. You feel like want to poop but you just can't.
It was almost 7 am in the morning. I got the feeling,IT'S TIME! I HAVE TO GO TO THE LABOUR ROOM RIGHT NOW! It was awful! I really hate the contraction. I didn't get to lay on the labour bed so I gave birth at my ward bed. It was really fast. 20 minutes in the labour room I finally gave birth to my unkown gender baby. Little that I know, when the nurse give the baby to me and show the baby's private part, I was over the moon! It's a baby girl!

7.09 AM
Welcome to our little family, Orked Mariam ♥
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